2012 earth planetary alignment and pole shift books

What on earth is going on, an insightful, engaging, freely available, documentary film featuring chris bourne author of five gateways, patricia cori author of beyond the matrix and geoff stray author of beyond 2012. This would be followed by the earths pole destabilising in a pole shift a. The claim is that on that date the sun will align with the center of the milky way galaxy, which only happens once every 25,772 years. Is it true that within the next few years leading up to 2012. Much of this theory was put forth in a book by john major jenkins, who wrote about the planetary alignment 2012 back in the 1980s. Since 2012, the nibiru cataclysm has frequently reappeared in the popular. Yes, that planetary alignment occured on may 5, 2000there was speculation from some that such an alignment would screw up the gravity due to such large bodies all on one side of the earth, thus causing the poles to shift.

A planetary polar shift is imminent, or could this. The end of the world and the 2012 planetary alignment. Every year on the winter solstice, our sun has a declination of 23. Posts about planetary alignment written by ysaoo7 church of the cosmos. The 2012 phenomenon was a range of eschatological beliefs that cataclysmic or transformative events would occur on or around 21 december 2012. Galactic alignment is the definitive source book for understanding the. But before discussing what sol invictus is and how it fits with other messenger traditions lets first look at the special planetary alignment for 25th december, the day we call christmas. There did appear to be a direct alignment if the center of the pyramid lines were to be projected out. Nov 06, 2010 painting a grim picture of a post shift world, miller estimated that the event would wipe out four billion people within six months and then a mad max scenario. Jrod the area 51 alien, zeta aliens, measurement of the pyramid of the egypt, philadelphia experiment and edgar casey, montauk project, ending of mayan calendar 2012, 3 days of darkness passing of planet x and pole shift bible or wormwood of the bible. Dec 18, 2012 another pole shift theory is that the earths outer surface will rotate around the core of the earth a rapid shift in the physical locations of the north and south poles.

Whats curious is the maya didnt predict disaster for the planet. With millennium madness in full swing, this is just the book to generate even more excitement at the unknown possibilities. This is total nonsense and a disservice to the meticulously researched book that hapgood wrote. The latest information is that the pole shift can start any time after april 7, 2003. This precession of the equinoxes goes in a complete circle and happens only once every 26,000 years. Another pole shift theory is that the earth s outer surface will rotate around the core of the earth a rapid shift in the physical locations of the north and south poles. Multi planet alignments did occur in both 2000 and 2010, each with no ill result for the earth. Planet x updates, 2012, earthquakes, climate changes. Temple of light we are immortal timeless beings of light in an infinitely expanding omniverse filled with intelligent life. On 25th december 2012 the image at the top of the page still appears very similar if one looks from the earth towards the galactic centre. A planetary polar shift is imminent, or could this shift. Pole shift project gutenberg selfpublishing ebooks. Mother earth and father sun have prepared a place for the mayans in caves.

The magnetic poles are not aligned with the rotation geographic poles of earth. A third suggested alignment was some sort of planetary conjunction occurring on 21 december 2012. Reviewed in the united states on december 20, 2012. The postulated galactic alignment as put forth by 2012 enthusiasts is impossible even if it were not, it would have nothing to do with a pole shift. There are no planetary alignments in the next few decades, earth will not. Our planet has two kinds of poles one pair from our magnetism and another one from the way we spin.

On a literal level of interpretation, one supported by many popular writers, the fieldeffect reversal that mystics and futurists intuitively feel occurring on this planet bodes an impending pole shift, a literal shift in the position of the earth s north celestial pole, an event that would have disastrous effects around the globe. Earth changes and prophecies, predictions and prophecy. Also, will we be enterring the center of this particular galaxy around 2012. This amazing book discusses the various pole shifts in earth s history occurring when earth s crust slips in the inner core and gives evidence for each one. Start with his first book on crustal displacement, earths shifting crust. Last trimester event timeline earth changes and the pole. A pole shift will happen some day, but will probably take a few thousand years to complete, and would have no physical effect on earth at all. The southern pole of the earth is facing directly onto the galactic center, and so the all important annual earth galactic council transmissions are received firstly into the new earth grids in antarctica and then.

Earths spiritual hierarchy, the state of incarnatedsoul on earth, the transition of earth to the next dimension, the poleshift itself, the natural electromagnetic resonance frequency of earth, the concept of earth as a spiritual persona gaia and the slowdown of the planet xeffected earthchanges on earth. The myths, fallacies, and truth behind the most intriguing date in history. Drunvalo is the author of four books including the ancient secrets of the flower of life, volumes i and ii, living in the heart and his newest one, serpent of light. Religious zealots, pastor lindsey williams and renee moses predicted that a comet or asteroid would hit earth on september 24, 2015. She is author of national geographics ebook doomsday 2012. Airport runways are labeled with their compass directions to help landing pilots. This page is intended as information and research for you to come to your own conclusions. In 2012 the next polar reversal will take place on earth. Enjoy 2012 discussions at starlight journal and also at the university of metaphysical sciences discussion board. Berlitz fresh off books on atlantis and the bermuda triangle, warned that 1999 could inflict flood, famine, pollution and a shift of earth s magnetic poles.

The zetas explain why the mayan calendar or a planetary alignment on may 5, 2000 are not clues, and why precision is difficult in determining the pole shift timeline. A failed prediction of a planetary alignment was supposed to cause a 9. In part 1 i investigated the mayan origin of the 2012 apocalypse prediction. On the 19th december the earth reaches its direct alignment with the galactic center at 27 degrees of sagittarius.

Earth s pole reverse, poles reversal changes in 2012. Frank waters had written about a convergence in 1975, although he did not mention the year 2012 specifically. Planet x updates, earthquakes, climate changes, earth changes, 2012. The 2012 hysteria was not unlike the hue and cry of the 1980s and 90s when the hot, threatening phenomenon of the day was pole shift. Pole shift planetary alignment with galactic center needed these shifting poles are all claiming its to get work but this is all just a feeble cover story to keep hidden this and other divinely engineered shifts that are the spiritual outcome of the unceasing efforts of the spiritual hierarchy to bring the benefits of higher quantum light. That is a far greater possibility than myan, polar shift nostradamus pathetic nonsense. Joscelyn godwin, author of the theosophical enlightenment and arktos. This novel is essentially a primer for how planet earth is going to transform herself over the next few years, and how human civilization on earth is going to take on a more visible. Enjoy 2012 discussions at starlight journal and also at the university of metaphysical sciences discussion. For the sun this is not so bad but, for the inhabitants of earth, grief.

Fascinating talks by ac tah of the mayan people who spoke in santa monica, ca last week about the science i. Planet x updates, earthquakes, 2012, climate changes, earth. Fearlessness in the 2012 new paradigm shift, pole polar shift, dec 1221 2012, end of the world or last of days. A lot of controversy surrounding the potential of a planet x exists today. He also spotlighted the planetary alignment of may 5, 2000, and warned. He addresses misconceptions related to the year 2012, earth crossing objects, planetary alignment, and related myths like nibiru. On december 21, 2012, the alignment will be right along the plane of the entire galaxy. Whats curious is the maya didnt predict disaster for the.

The 2012 phenomenon was a range of eschatological beliefs that cataclysmic or transformative. And finally, will there be a planetary alignment around this time too. However it is not coming on an end of the world december 21 2012 doomsday and is currently on a level 0 on the torino scale this scale shows the probability of an asteroid hitting earth. Our entire planets field could not flip during a single day in 2012. Extends jenkins groundbreaking research in maya cosmogenesis 2012. During the last weeks, the earth changes from being in an endtoend alignment with planet x to being in a sidebyside alignment. But what makes the alignment of 2012 special is how this alignment occurs relative to very distant stars. Of course his predicted end of times on may 27, 2012 was uneventful. Charles hapgood suggested this could happen if there was an extra build up of ice on one or both of the poles and that this could cause the outer surface of the earth to.

A planetary polar shift is imminent, or could this shift be internal. When most ofthe planets align in 2012 andplanet earth is in the center of the milky. How about 2012 militant muslims finally get enough uranium to set off several nuclear bombs. This alignment is said to cause polar shift earth crust displacement causing worldwide disaster. Introduction mayan calendar fractal time i ching galactic alignment. One of the most common mistakes i see people make, including many authors who write books about 2012 and people lecturing about 2012 over the years, is that they think the planetary alignment of the sun and the galactic equator happens on the 21st of december, 2012.

When poles flip, effects of polar shift nasa says, 2012 pole shift polar flip, changes axis, earth rotation, magnetic field weakening polarity 2012 is only the beginning, not the end. Doomsday hype claims the world will end with a polar shift caused by an asteroid, nibiru, planet x or wormwood collision. In 2015, we had a few more nutcases making end time predictions. Sep 05, 2009 i believe the mayan date refers to the alignment that is to occur rather than the passing of planet x. Packed with illustrations, this book is the reference other books on the subject cite over and over again. He is known by many 2012ers because in numerous places 2012ers hang out he offered a free 2012 book. He also spotlighted the planetary alignment of may 5, 2000, and warned that it could bring solar flares, severe earthquakes, land changes and seismic explosions. I have been fascinated with the great time shift that is scheduled to occur dec 21 2012. Earth has settled in the last 20 million years into a pattern of a pole reversal about every 200,000 to 300,000 years, although it has been more than twice that long since the last reversal. Fear kindness love earth ascending 2012 by alexander kiy. Nasas david morrison, expert on earth impact hazards and currently interim director of the nasa lunar science institute, speaks on what are the risk to earth in 2012. This means that the north pole will be changed into the south pole.

Pole shift when, where, and how dreams of the great earth. We are heading into a photon belt whatever thats supposed to be. Personally, the book didnt appeal to me at all bulk prophecy unsupported by anything tangible. The pole shift itself should be considered as 1 component associated with our planetary and solar system relationship to the galaxyuniverse the mayan view shows this idea that the planetary alignment, of which i am vaguely familiar with in a concrete way, will somehow focus a powerful energy which will be focused on the earth by the planets. The modern doomsday myth was bolstered by several ostensibly scientific reasons for a disaster, including a pole shift, the return of planet x or the suns sinister counterpart nemesis, a galactic, planetary, or other celestial alignment, global warming, global. Feb 11, 2011 drunvalo melchizedek in quite an interesting chat with lilou mace discussing extraterrestrials, 2012, the pole shift, intraterrestrials, plasma beings. Some who claim that the maya predicted the end of the world in 2012 use a particular astronomical alignment that is believed will occur at the end of the th baktun in the maya long count calendar december 21st, 2012 as evidence to support their notions.

Stories about the fictional planet nibiru and predictions of doomsday in december 2012. The two colors in this image represent the energy of the north and south poles. Doomsday caused by planetary alignment and polar shift. Another idea tied to 2012 involved a geomagnetic reversal often referred to as a pole shift by proponents, possibly triggered by a. It will pass close in 2029 with a probability for impact on april, 2036 calculated at 1 in 45,000. This date was regarded as the enddate of a 5,126yearlong cycle in the mesoamerican long count calendar, and festivities took place on 21 december 2012 to commemorate the event in the countries that were part of the maya civilization mexico. Stargate 2012 alignment ebook by sarah ince rakuten kobo. Many internet postings and guests on allnight apocalyptic radio have elaborated on these themes. The cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis is a fringe theory suggesting that there have been geologically rapid shifts in the relative positions of the modernday geographic locations of the poles and the axis of rotation of the earth, creating calamities such as floods and tectonic events. Charles hapgood suggested this could happen if there was an extra build up of ice on one or both of the poles and that this could cause the outer surface of the earth to slip over its outer core like an orange peel sliding around. Moreover, all natural anomalies point to this factor. Its said on december 21,2012 all the planets and the sun will align with the dark rift center of milky way which has a black hole.

Feb 01, 2018 the earth is protected from harmful solar and cosmic rays thanks to the magnetic field when the planets poles shift, which they typically do every 200,000 or 300,000 years, the proactive. There is no planet alignment on the winter solstice in 2012. However, upon further investigation, the planetary alignment occurred at the apex in the sky, not just over the pyramids. John major jenkins covers the complete history and significance of the date december 21, 2012, which marks the end of the mayan long count calendar and a period when the earth, the sun, and the center of the galaxy will come together in an extremely rare cosmic alignment. The last pole shift was 780,000 years ago, so were quite overdue. People want to know about the existence of nibiru, or planet x, and whether. The earth pole shift is coming up in 2012, and a unique galactic shift willl occur, opening the stargate of ascension for those who are prepared vibrationally.

In this post ill look at the planet nibiru and cosmic alignment, in the next. There will be a lesser catastrophe in 2009 followed by the greater catastrophe of 2012. A reversal happens over hundreds or thousands of years, and it is not exactly a clean back flip. The astrological conjunction of 2012 is also expected to involve a shift in earths magnetic poles. Scientifically this can only be explained by the fact that the earth will start rotating in the opposite direction, together with a huge disaster of unknown proportions. This amazing book discusses the various pole shifts in earth s history occurring when earth s crust slips in the inner core and gives evidence this riveting account of how earth s poles have flipped positions many times is the culmination of hapgoods extensive research of antarctica, ancient maps and the geological record. Patriarch kirill on 11202017 all people who love the motherland must be together because we are. Prophecies and december 2012 planetary alignments world. The nibiru cataclysm is a supposed disastrous encounter between the earth and a large. Already more than a half dozen books are marketing, to eager fans. For example, for decades their main runway was runway 18r36l, indicating its alignment along the 180. I was wondering if a pro out there could answer just a few questions i have regarding the above themes.

What would actually happen in a magnetic pole shift. Could it cause a pole shift, and tfso what could we expect. My 1980 book pole shift covered the subject in depth, and the lessons i learned from that experience, i believe, have much relevance for those who were looking for doomsday in 2012. Earth poles flipping could result in blackouts for decades. Earths pole reverse, poles reversal changes in 2012. Last year, tampa international airport had to close its runways because of the shift. For some time, scientists have been closely monitoring two parts of earths electromagnetic structure. The back page of the copy of path of the pole which i got from amazon quotes richard noone, author of one of those sensational books, and actually says a planetary alignment on may 5, 2000 is predicted to cause the next pole shift are you ready.

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